Welcome to Mightamin

Welcome to Mightamin

Here we share our approach to habit building.

Guiding principles:

🎯 Set your minimum. Aim for your maximum.
πŸ—“οΈ Show up everyday
Subscribe (coming soon)

The Mightamin approach to fitness:

  1. Avoid injury.
  2. Do one more than yesterday.
  3. Reset monthly.
  4. Continue for life.

The basics:

  • Healthy aging is our long term focus.
  • We are about slow and steady performance.
  • Making 1 small change is easier than several big changes.
  • Warm up and cool down.
  • You do not have to 'give it your all'.

Is the Mightamin approach for you?

βœ… You have a long term approach to fitness.

βœ… You want a consistent fitness routine.

βœ… You want to build better habits.

βœ… You have tried to implement habits without success.

βœ… You understand this is about more than fitness.

βœ… You enjoy simplicity.

Our Basic Formula:

Match your rep count to the day of the month.

Getting Started:

Keep it simple. Complete your base habit for the day, and cross it off the calendar. Make one small change in your first month. Consistency allows you to make bigger and better changes to your daily life. This is a lifetime process.

Step One:

Print out a calendar, and post it on the wall.

Step Two:

Choose 1 major movement to complete every day. Chose something you are familiar with.
Balance pose
Deep Breathing

Step Three:

Set your rep count to the day of the month. Do your exercise.

Step Four:

Cross the day off on your calendar

Step Five:

Give yourself a thumbs up πŸ‘ and a smile 😁


Using a physical calendar:

James Clear sums up the calendar approach very well in his article here:

A calendar is the best tool for getting started, especially if you have struggled with consistency. Put it on your wall to serve as a constant reminder of the one thing you have to do. Need a calendar? Send us an e-mail for a printable branded Mightamin calendar.

Enjoy the satisfying feeling of physically crossing each day off the calendar.

Simplicity works. Implement new habits with our easy to use calendar. Choose your base habit, and make it your minimum every day. To many people focus on getting the maximum out of their day and end up doing nothing. We view success as crossing off your minimum for the day. Everything builds from succeeding on your minimum.

As a bonus, you can be inspired by seeing your progress on the wall, month after month.

We cross off each day on our Instagram

Using Notion:

Let's get the data tracked in Notion. A great way to collect all the information about your workout. Purchase our Mightamin template here.

Coming Soon: Our Notion Mightamin Tracker


  1. Being accountable adds a level of commitment to your ideas.
  2. Want to stay accountable? We can work together to create a feedback and accountability system that works
Become a member and join our accountability group.

What Exercises should I complete monthly?

Use our handy little table below for how many Major and Minor movements to do each month. These are guidelines, and we welcome you to change these to suit your needs. Reference the Movement list even further down this page for exercise/movement ideas. Be realistic as well. When I have pull-ups for a major movement, I do 1 rep each day, every day, and often with an assistance band. Remember: Avoid injury.

Monthly Plan

of Major Movements
of Minor Movements
First Month
Second Month
Third Month
Fourth Month
Fifth Month
Sixth Month

After month 6 is a good time to start really looking at what changes you want to make with your fitness program long term. The key is to keep showing up every day. Reset to month 1 if necessary!

Exercise/Movement List

Major Muscle Movements

  • Push-Up
  • Pull-Up
  • Squat
  • Crunches
  • Plank
  • Balance
  • Lunges
  • Dead-Hangs
  • Superman
  • Burpees

Minor Muscle Movements

  • Dip
  • Calf raise
  • Chin Up
  • Bridge pose
  • Bicep Curls


Alternative to "daily rep count = day of month"

  • Some muscle groups will not be ready for increasing the rep count daily
    • Use a small rep count (1 is fine) for the entire month.
    • Increase weekly instead of daily
      • Week 1: 1 rep/day
      • Week 2: 2 reps/day
      • Week 3: 3 reps/day
      • Week 4: 4 reps/day
      • Week 5: 5 reps/day
      • Reset monthly
    • 2 steps forward, 1 step back
      • Day 1: 1 rep
      • Day 2: 2 reps
      • Day 3: 1 Rep
      • Day 4: 2 Reps
      • Day 5: 3 Reps
      • Day 6: 2 Reps
      • Day 7: 3 Reps
      • Day 8: 4 Reps
      • Etc.

      Listen to your body. Avoid Injury.


At its core, Mightamin is equipment free. This is deliberate so we can keep up our routines when travelling, or away from our normal workout environment.

While Mightamin can be done without equipment, we do use equipment to help us with certain exercises. Most of our equipment is purchased from Decathlon, as we find their equipment to be budget and beginner friendly. The pull-up, chin-up, and dip station is one purchase that has proven extremely useful and versatile.

Tracking Other Data

  1. As you build your minimums, you will add more data to the calendar
    1. Weight
    2. Body Fat %
    3. Subjective sleep score
    4. Checkmarks for successful days
      1. Avoid Sugar
      2. Journaling
      3. Meditation

Be Safe. Be Smart.

Mightamin is what we do. The strategy works for us. The Mightamin strategy plan and schedule may not work for you. Adapt it to fit your fitness level.

One of the best ways to avoid injury, is to avoid excess strain on the body. Know your limits, and modify where necessary. Keep a long term mentality. Choose to do something over nothing every day.


What if I cannot do my reps for the day?

  1. Modify the exercise to make it easier. YouTube has plenty of modifications for every movement.
  2. Use a backup movement as a way to show up. Deep, focused breaths are the backup movement. Can't do your 12 sit-ups today? No problem. Take 12 deep breaths. Winner winner.

Is this boring?

  1. I love it. Being able to just look at the calendar date and doing that many reps is simple. Taking away extra thinking is a big reason why we love Mightamin. You may find it boring, and that is ok!

Missed a day? (or two or more)

  1. No problem.
  2. We cannot change the past, so let it go.
  3. We can commit to doing better in the future.
  4. Commit to doing better in the future, starting with today.


Mightamin offers information designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this site. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk.